What's Up CLCP!!! The CLCP Leadership Community. Think About it.

May 16, 2013 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines |
Fellow CLCers, DO YOU L.C.? As in, “Love CLC”? ARE YOU M.A.D? As in "Making A Difference"? Then maybe you should join the LC. The CLCP Leadership Community! Make a Difference! What is the Leadership Community? The Leadership Community is responsible for the ordinary government of the Christian Life Community. It is made up of up to seven (7) Trustees elected by the members during the regular National Assembly. (Section 20, National Statutes) The seven (7) members of the Leadership Community shall be elected by the members during the National Assembly and shall serve for a term of two (2) years. They may be re-elected to the same office for up to two (2) additional consecutive terms or maximum period of six (6) consecutive years. Upon their election, the newly-elected members shall elect from themselves the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three (3) Consultors who shall serve assuch up to the end of the two year term for which they were elected as LC members. (Section 21, National Statutes) What does the Leadership Community do? According the National Statutes, the LC: 1. Appoints or co-opts one or more additional consultors, the Executive Secretary, and heads of important committees/apostolates as members of the Leadership Community. 2. Meets at least four (4) times a year and informs all local communities of its activities. 3. Approves of new full member communities and observer local communities. 4. Promotes the implementation of the General Principles, Norms and National Statutes. 5. Implements the policies and decisions taken by the National Assemblies. 6. Fosters regional and local communities, stimulates their mutual assistance and collaboration, and promotes their active participation in the world mission of CLC. 7. Assures CLCP representation in programs of international cooperation wherever it may be opportune, for example, in collaboration with the Conference of International Catholic Organizations. 8. Promotes the implementation of the teachings of the Church, especially that of Vatican Council II, PCP II and their further development. 9. Encourages the full sharing, by local and regional communities, between each other and the national as well as with the World Community, of their documentation, experiences, personal and material resources. 10. Promotes and encourages specific projects in accordance with Norms 10 and 11. 11. Encourages and creates initiatives necessary to fulfil these tasks. 12. May expel local communities in the event of non-compliance with the Statutes. Interested? The Elections shall be held at the CLCP National Assembly on October 18-20, 2013 in Cavite. Get involved. Discern with your local community, get their support and be nominated. CLCP needs YOU. Elections Guidelines to follow. Gian Chair, CLCP Commission on Elections, 2013-2014
CLCP NA 2025 Communication 1

With hope and joy, we wish to announce that the Christian Life Community National Assembly 2025 will take place one year from now on August 22-25, 2025 (Friday to Monday). Read more

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