To all CLC Members, Group Guides, Moderators and Ecclesiastical Assistants

March 06, 2009 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines |

To        : CLC Members, Group Guides, Moderators and Ecclesiastical Assistants

From    : CLC Formation Institute

Re        : Accreditation and Formation of CLC Group Guides Person-in-Charge

Date    : March 2, 2009

[caption id="attachment_270" align="alignleft" width="213" caption="Tita Chibu Nanagas is in-charge of Accreditation and Formation of CLC Group Guides."]Maam Chibu Nanagas[/caption]

The CLC Formation Institute would like to inform the national community that Chibu Nanagas is in-charge of Accreditation and Formation of CLC Group Guides. Chibu is responsible for   the recruitment, selection, accreditation and formation of all CLC group guides. As such, she becomes a member of the Formation Institute Action Team (FIAT) which manages the operations of the institute. Together with the members of the FIAT, Chibu will make sure that the needs of our guides are met in order for them to guide groups more effectively.

 Please expect further communications from Chibu regarding systems improvement and assistance in the formation and development of our guides.

 With all the members of the FIAT, let us thank Chibu for volunteering to do this job and let us give her the support and cooperation she will surely need in serving the CLCP.

For the Greater Glory of God.

Thank you.


 Bebs Sim Head CLC Formation Institute


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