Ordination of Robbie Paraan and Madz Tumbali and CLC Mass by Fr. Robbie Paraan

August 18, 2020 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines | We would like to invite all members of the Christian Life Community of the Philippines to two events: ORDINATION TO THE PRESBYTERATE, CLC MASS BY FR. ROBBIE PARAAN
We would like to invite all members of the Christian Life Community of the Philippines to two events


Robbie John Paolo Balagot Paraan SJ
Amado Tomeldan Tumbali, Jr. SJ
August 22, 2020 (Saturday)

To get the final details and streaming link, please register here.


Fr. Robbie Paraan shall be saying one of his first masses for the Christian Life Community

August 23, 2020 (Sunday), 10am
Mass shall be streamed on the CLC Philippines Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/iCLCer)
You can also confirm at the Facebook Event Page here.

Both Robbie and Madz have close ties with the CLCP. Robbie was a member, guide, moderator, mentor and supporter of CLCP. Madz served as a guide and mentor to many CLCers.
CLCP New Mobile Number

We would like to inform you of the new mobile and Viber number for CLCP. Kindly update your contacts with the following number: Mobile/Viber Number: +63 917 176 4882 (Globe) Read more

Heart Speaks to hearts : A Lenten and Holy Week Retreat in Daily Life Program

We invite you to a Lenten and Holy Week Retreat in Daily Life Program, entitled "Heart Speaks to hearts." Four retreat guides headed by Fr. Vic Baltazar, SJ Read more

Discerning the Ballot: 10 Commandments for a Well-Discerned Vote

The political realities of our nation, with the upcoming national elections, are a reminder to us that “our life is essentially apostolic…it extends both to the Church and the world, in order Read more

Policy on Communal Action

Over the past months, the National Leadership Community has received numerous requests for CLCP to take positions on various social and political issues on behalf of the National Community. I Read more