nLC Easter Message 2020

April 14, 2020 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines | Today we remember, we celebrate, and we believe that Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, has conquered sin and death through his faithfulness and resurrection.

April 12, 2020

Dearest National Community:

A Blessed Easter!

Today we remember, we celebrate, and we believe that Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, has conquered sin and death through his faithfulness and resurrection. At a time when the pandemic and its consequences overwhelm and affect us all, the angel's startling announcement "He has risen" calms our troubled souls, mends our brokenness, gives us inner peace, and strengthens our faith.

Like Mary Magdalene and the other women of Galilee, we, as a national CLC community, are reminded this is not the time to stare at an empty tomb, but a time to share the hope we have in the risen Christ by going ahead to where He will meet us. Through our sincere prayers, words of kindness, and concrete acts of generosity, we also live as His Easter messengers.

Since the onset of the Luzon-wide lockdown many of our CLC members have responded to the immediate needs of our financially challenged CLC communities and their immediate families. Other CLC members have responded to the apostolic call of extending support to their neighbors, people they work with, and health workers in their locality. We give thanks for the generosity shared.

Your National Leadership Community has been coordinating with communities and regional LCs to assess how we can best respond both to our members and the needs of our people. If there are those who are in need, please let us know. John Gamit of the NCR Regional LC has agreed to with Joy Bautista, our National Treasurer, to coordinate our response through a general fund. Please see the page included with this letter for more information if you or your community are willing to help those in need and/or the apostolic efforts of CLC Communities.

Your nLC has also been working on ways we can help as a National Community. We have been in discussions with the Cavite provincial government to offer our Horacio De La Costa Formation Center as a place for rest and refuge for health front liners working in the hospitals of the province. We will share more details as the arrangement develops and is finalized.

May the hope of the risen 'Christ's loving presence and healing love continue to animate our hope and commitment during this difficult time. And may the eternal flame that ignited Ignatius continue to shine in us and through us.

In Christ,
Your National Leadership Community
Joy Bautista
Donabelle Chua
Theody Demaisip
Lib Liberatore
Lynda Sibal

nLC Easter Message 2020 in PDF Format

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