Laudato Si' Week 2020 (Days 1 to 5)

May 15, 2020 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines | Join the Church in celebrating the 5th anniversary of Laudato Si'. Check out various activities and resources here.

Scroll down to see our resources for Days 1 to 5.
Kindly also share these with your communities. We encourage you to make a discerned plan of action on how we can respond for the care of our common home.



Peace of the Lord, maker of heaven and earth!
On May 16-24, the entire universal Church will celebrate the Laudato Si' Week to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the publication of the first social encyclical of Pope Francis, Laudato Si': On Care For Our Common Home.
We remember that during the 16th World Assembly of the Christian Life Community held in Lebanon, our community made a bold initiative in embracing ecology as one of our frontiers alongside globalization & poverty, youth, and family.
We celebrate our interconnectedness with other living beings, joining St. Francis of Assisi in calling everyone brothers and sisters, making us a part of a universal community under the one fatherhood of God. We believe that in this time of global pandemic, our community all the more needs to be good stewards of every form of life here on earth and to be responsible custodians of God's gifts & creation, passionate to side with the weak, the voiceless and the marginalized -- the ones who suffer the most when nature protests. 

As we join the communities throughout the world in celebrating the Laudato Si' Week, the Formation Institute of CLC Philippines offers a number of resources that hopes to:
        a) Enhance the spirit of gratitude as you become aware of the presence of God in creation;    
        b) Appreciate the encyclical Laudato Si';    
        c) Discern how the Lord may be inviting you to care for our common home;
        d) Respond to the call of Laudato Si to a more passionate care for creation; and
        e) Work for the common good while taking into heart the social consequences of our individual decisions and becoming responsible towards future generations.
We will be posting new materials everyday on our official Facebook account and our CLCP website. These will also be sent via email for the duration of the week-long activity.

In preparation for our celebration, we invite you to visit the Laudato Si' Week website ( where you will find worldwide events and activities that you may participate in even as you stay home due to quarantine. Some of them are listed here below:


May 16, 2020 11:00 PM
Day 1: Laudato Si' Retreat: An Introductory Immersion (1/2)

    Day 1: Laudato Si' Retreat: An Introductory Immersion (2/2)

    May 18, 2020 01:00 AM
    Day 2: Laudato Si' Retreat: An Introductory Immersion



    May 18, 2020 08:00 PM
    Laudato Si' at 5: As Prophetic and Relevant As Ever

              May 19, 2020 09:00 PM
              Eco-spirituality: Deepening our Communion with Creation

              May 20, 2020 09:00 PM
              Sustainability: Time for the Church to Lead by Example

              May 20, 2020 11:00 PM
              Advocacy: Raising our Voices for the Earth and the most Vulnerable
                  • May 22, 2020 09:00 PM: Social Action: Integral Ecology and Community Building in Times of a Global Pandemic (Register here.)

              World day of prayer on May 24, 12:00 NN 

              Watch Pope Francis' invitation to participate in this event

              "Let us bear witness to those human and Gospel values within the Church and society, which affect the dignity of the person, the welfare of the family, and the integrity of creation."(General Principles, 4)



              We invite everyone to participate in this occasion and show their solidarity with the rest of the Church as we celebrate Laudato Si' Week.
              Remember to use the hashtag #LaudatoSi5 when you share your participation and activities relating to this event via social media.


              16 May 2020 | Laudato Si' Week | Day 1

              Dear Friends in the Lord,

              Happy 5th anniversary of Laudato Si'!

              Today marks the first day of our week-long celebration of Laudato Si'. We invite everyone to participate in this special worldwide event with the theme, "Everything is connected." Kindly visit and register to join in the online retreats and webinars hosted via Zoom app.

              In the coming days, we will be sharing resources that will allow us to nourish our body, mind, and spirit through the awareness and understanding of Laudato Si' and by taking concrete actions to respond and to care for our common home.

              The materials will follow the pastoral cycle of SEE, JUDGE & ACT spread throughout the next eight days.

              SEE (May 16-18)
              In seeing, may we learn and seek to understand the reality of the situation of our world today.  

              JUDGE (May 19-21)
              In judging, may we make a discerning assessment of how to respond to this reality before.  

              ACT (May 22-24)
              In acting, may we take concrete steps in addressing the needs of our common home by taking care of our environment and all things God created, especially the poor who are greatly affected by the consequences of our actions.  

              On the first day of Laudato Si' Week we invite you to look into our relationship with the Lord and nature. Below are resources in helping our hearts overflow with gratitude and become aware of how God speaks to us in nature.

              We begin by praying the consciousness examen which follows the theme of Laudato Si'.
              Click the link to download the pdf version.

              WATCH AND LISTEN

              A Prayer for the Earth

              This is a prayer by Pope Francis set to beautiful music by Hazzan Steve Klaper & Br. Al Mascia, OFM.

              Key Quotes from Laudato Si'

              Laudato Si' Animation for Children


              Full text of the Papal encyclical

              Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home

              This is the downloadable PDF version of Pope Francis' environmental encyclical.

              United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

              Find here various resources on Laudato Si' to increase awareness and understanding of what this encyclical calls for.

              Global Catholic Climate Movement

              Click here to gain access to other resources and learn more about Laudato Si'.

              Acts of Mercy and Saving the Environment

              A must-read on the 8th work of mercy introduced by His Holiness Pope Francis


              17 May 2020 | Laudato Si' Week | Day 2

              Today, our materials will help us appreciate the monumental social encyclical of Pope Francis on Caring for Our Common Home: Laudato Si'.


              Official Vatican video

              What is Laudato Si'?

              Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Laudato Si'
              by Fr. Jim Martin, SJ


              Overview of Laudato Si'

              Read here for a summary of each of the six chapters of the encyclical

              Reader's Guide

              by Fr. Thomas Reese, SJ

              Laudato Si' Action and Study Guide

              Catholic Teachings on Climate Change

              Let us educate ourselves about what our Church is saying about our call to care for creation.

              Resource material for introducing Laudato Si' to the Youth


              Laudato Si' Audio Podcast 

              Narrated by John Doherty


              18 May 2020 | Laudato Si' Week | Day 3

              Today's materials will walk us through to the different challenges Mother Earth is facing. We hope that by presenting this we may come to realize the urgency of taking care of our common home and do our own share individually and communally, our God given-responsibility of embracing her. 


              Top 10 Environmental Issues Facing Our Planet 

              Half the planet should be set aside for wildlife

              Humans are Speeding Extinctionand Altering the Natural World at an 'Unprecedented' Pace

              Pollution Facts


              Mother Nature is speaking. She has avoice and it is telling us something that is urgent. We strongly urge you to listen to this series of messages from Mother Nature delivered to us by our local Filipino artists. Let us pay attention to her as she speaks her heart out through the videos brought to us by Conservation International Philippines.

              Please note that the following videos are unlisted on Youtube. You may only find them through the Conservation International PH website.


              LEA SALONGA

              ANG KARAGATAN

              JOHN LLOYD CRUZ

              ANG KAGUBATAN

              NOEL CABANGON

              ANG LUPA

              ROBERT AREVALO

              ANG TUBIG

              CRIS VILLONCO


              ANG BULAKLAK

              ANGEL AQUINO

              ANG BAHURA

              PIOLO PASCUAL

              ANG TAHANAN

              JACLYN JOSE

              ANG BUNDOK

              ROBERT SENA


              19 May 2020 | Laudato Si' Week | Day 4

              Everything is connected. This is the theme of this year's celebration of Laudato Si' Week. Now that we have seen our current ecological situation and learned more about what Laudato Si' is, we are then invited to discern our proper response as Catholics and members of CLC to be more ecologically responsible stewards of God's creation. May these resources help us in our reflection.

              Scriptural foundations and excerpts from Catholic Social Teaching on Care for Creation
              It reminds us that caring for our common home is an imperative of our faith, having a fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored.


              Progressio: Caring for Creation

              The Pope's 10 Commandments on Climate Change

              CBCP's Statement on the Environment: Water is Life

              In this letter, Catholic Filipino bishops invite us to focus on one critical environmental problem: water and the protection of our watersheds and aquifers. 

              What is Happening to Our Beautiful Land?
              This Pastoral Letter describes the devastation that had been inflicted in the environment, reflected in the light of the Gospel. It challenges every Filipino Catholic to develop a deeper appreciation for the fragility of the life systems in our islands and to defend the earth, pointing to signs of hope, suggesting what we all could do to improve the situation.

              An Urgent Call For Ecological Conversion, Hope in the Face of Climate Emergency
              CBCP's second pastoral letter on the environment with some practical suggestions on how to respond to their call to action.


              As we watch the videos that follow, let us reflect on our own life choices and how we can turn away from a throwaway culture and be in solidarity with creation and the poor.

              Your Sneakers Are Part of the Plastic Problem

              The Story of Electronics



              20 May 2020 | Laudato Si' Week | Day 5

              Let us learn from our materials today on how our Ignatian tradition and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius can be instrumental in raising our ecological vision from one of mere materialism to one of reconciliation.


              The following tackle the connection between the SpEx and creation.
              A must read for those engaged in the ministry of the Spiritual Exercises

              Ecology and Spiritual Exercises

              by Trileigh Tucker

              Ignatian Spirituality and Ecology: Entering into a Conversation

              by Joseph Carver, SJ

              The Spiritual Exercises and Ecology

              Compiled by James Profit, SJ

              Ignatian Ecological Reflection: Based on the First Principle and Foundation


              Full text here: The Way: A Review of Christian Spirituality




              Invitation from the World CLC Executive Council



              Click here to download and read Pope Francis' encyclical letter Laudato Si'

              CLCP New Mobile Number

              We would like to inform you of the new mobile and Viber number for CLCP. Kindly update your contacts with the following number: Mobile/Viber Number: +63 917 176 4882 (Globe) Read more

              Heart Speaks to hearts : A Lenten and Holy Week Retreat in Daily Life Program

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              Discerning the Ballot: 10 Commandments for a Well-Discerned Vote

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              Policy on Communal Action

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