Fr.Johnny Go's Lenten Talk & Quick Questions, UnEasy Answers Book Launch

March 07, 2013 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines |
Everyone is invited to attend a Lenten Talk, to be given by Fr. Johnny C. Go, SJ, Director of Xavier School. The talk will be held in the MPC of Xavier School, on March 16, at 3 in the afternoon. The talk will be followed by the launching of Fr. Johnny's new book "Quick Questions, UnEasy Answers," Similar to his previous book - it is a compilation of homilies and reflections aptly labelled as "for the Lost and Found."  It is the generous hearts of our members and friends that empowers to continue working towards building God's kingdom. Fr. Johnny, who himself was once a member of CLC, decided to make CLCP the beneficiary of all the book's proceeds. Let us show our support for the community by attending the talk and the book launch.
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