CLCP Collaboration with PMAP: Spiritual Wellness! Spreading the Ignatian Fire beyond...

June 15, 2014 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines |
A Spotlight on Spiritual Wellness We're very glad to announce that we are 'featured' in the People Manager magazine for the month of June 2014. A first for CLC Philippines! You may read the one page article below this email as written by our dear Amity Tan, CLCP Sales and Marketing Officer.
People Manager is a monthly publication of the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP).The People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) is a professional, non-stock, not-for-profit organization of over 1,800 member companies and individual management executives engaged or interested in human resource management (HRM) and industrial relations (IR) work. Founded 50 years ago, PMAP continues the tradition of its forefathers in advancing the profession, the science and the art of human resource management. As a professional association, PMAP helps institutions mold an enlightened, competent, socially responsible and influential sector of people managers who can effectively participate in nation-building. PMAP also helps its members become more effective on the job by teaching the human aspect of management via numerous career development forums and training programs. With nineteen (19) Chapters throughout the Philippines, PMAP encourages local participation if national affiliation is geographically difficult. In fact, what further enhances PMAP’s solid reputation as a national association is the dynamism of its local chapters, proven by the success of its respective programs and projects.
CLCP NA 2025 Communication 1

With hope and joy, we wish to announce that the Christian Life Community National Assembly 2025 will take place one year from now on August 22-25, 2025 (Friday to Monday). Read more

Apostolic Session #3 (Youth) | Wisdom and Wonder: Connecting the Ages

We are delighted to invite you to Apostolic Session 3 on Youth, themed "Wisdom and Wonder: Connecting the Ages," taking place on September 28, 2024 (Saturday) from 2pm to 5pm. Read more

Year-End Retreat 2024 : A Consciousness Examen on God's Love

Surrounded by the beauty and serenity of Loyola Retreat House in prayer, silence and conversation with a retreat guide, we end our year embraced and filled with God's grandeur and grace. Read more