Magis Portugal and WYD Lisbon 2023 Journey with Reyna and Telly

June 21, 2023 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines | Follow Reyna & Christelle's Magis Portugal & World Youth Day Lisbon Journey on our Social Media Accounts...

Follow Reyna & Christelle's Magis Portugal & World Youth Day Lisbon Journey on our Social Media Accounts...

TikTok: @clcphils
Facebook: @iCLCer
Twitter: @iCLCer
Instagram: @clcphilippines
YouTube: @clcphilippines

Feast of St. Ignatius Celebrations and Upcoming Events

We eagerly anticipate our upcoming gathering to commemorate the Feast of St. Ignatius and celebrate the blessings of our CLC Community Read more

Revised Bawat Isa Mahalaga (B1M) Program

We are excited to invite you to a review and training session designed to enhance your skills in delivering the revised Bawat Isa Mahalaga (B1M) Program. Read more

YCLC Discernment Recollection | Discerning Hearts: Journeying with Hope and Gratitude

As a way to begin our YCLC Companionship Program, we would like to invite you to a Discernment Recollection with the theme "Discerning Hearts: Journeying with Hope and Gratitude" on June 18, Read more