World CLC Day 2018: “CLC, a gift for the Church and the World”

February 21, 2018 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines | World CLC Day 2018: “CLC, a gift for the Church and the World”

The Christian Life Community of the Philippines (CLCP), in union with CLC communities around the world, will celebrate World CLC Day 2018 at various locations across the Philippines.

World CLC Day is celebrated on the Feast of the Annunciation in honor of Mary, the model of our own collaboration in Christ's mission. Mary's co-operation with God begins with her "yes" in the mystery of the Annunciation.  This is a day when CLCers gather to reflect on and celebrate our Way of Life.

This year's celebration is special because it is part of the 50th-anniversary celebrations of the CLC and is a preparation for the 2018 World Assembly which will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 22-31, 2018.

For 2018, the National Leadership Community endorses the following theme, scripture, and grace for World CLC Day, taking from the grace of the 2018 World Assembly: 

  • The Theme: "CLC, a gift for the Church and the World."
  • The Scripture text: "How many loaves have you?... Go and see" (Mk 6:38)"
  • The Grace: "We desire greater depth and integration in the living out of our CLC charism in the world today."

We invite all members and collaborators of the CLCP to participate in one of many celebrations across the Philippines:

  • Bicol: March 25, 8am-4pm, Badang ni Ignacio, San Joacquin, Pamukid, Camarines Sur 
  • Cebu: April 9, Sacred Heart Parish, Cebu City (with Commitment Ceremony)
  • Davao: March 25, 9am-1pm, Ateneo de Davao University 
  • NCR: April 14, 1pm-6pm, Venue: TBD
  • Laguna: April 7, 9am-4pm, Batis Crisostomo, Abrenica Farm, San Pablo City
  • Zamboanga: March 25, 2-5pm, Ateneo de Zamboanga University (Sacred Heart Chapel)
  • Others: Details of the celebrations in Baguio, Bulacan, Dumaguete, Iloilo will be made available as they are finalized. Please visit the CLCP Web page and CLCP Facebook Page for updates.

In preparation for World CLC Day, we invite all communities to reflect on Projects 168 and Projects 169 from the World Secretariat. These documents discuss the direction of the World Community as it prepares for the World Assembly. Projects 169, in particular, also suggests a number of documents that may be taken up, discussed, reflected upon and talked about during World CLC Day celebrations.

World Assembly Delegates
In line with the suggestion of Projects 169 to pray and send-off the delegates to the World Assembly, we request all CLC communities to pray for the Philippines' delegates, as well as all other delegates to the World Assembly, as part of their World CLC Day celebrations.  The Philippine delegates are:
  • Michael Liberatore (President)
  • Fr. Bob Buenconsejo (National Ecclesiastical Assistant)
  • Jeraldine Ching-Wu (nominated to the World ExCo)

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