The Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola

July 31, 2012 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines |
The Story and History of Saint Ignatius of Loyola The story and history of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Saint Ignatius was born at Loyola in Spain, in the year 1491. He served his king as a courtier and a soldier till his thirtieth year. At that age, being laid low by a wound, he received the call of divine grace to leave the world. He embraced poverty and humiliation, that he might become more like to Christ, and won others to join him in the service of God. Prompted by their love for Jesus Christ, Ignatius and his companions made a vow to go to the Holy Land, but war broke out, and prevented the execution of their project. Then they turned to the Vicar of Jesus Christ, and placed themselves under his obedience. This was the beginning of the Society of Jesus. Our Lord promised St. Ignatius that the precious heritage of His Passion should never fail his Society, a heritage of contradictions and persecutions. St. Ignatius was cast into prison at Salamanca, on a suspicion of heresy. To a friend who expressed sympathy with him on account of his imprisonment, he replied, "It is a sign that you have but little love of Christ in your heart, or you would not deem it so hard a fate to be in chains for His sake. I declare to you that all Salamanca does not contain as many fetters, manacles, and chains as I long to wear for the love of Jesus Christ." St. Ignatius died on the 31st July, 1556. Feast Day of Saint Ignatius of Loyola The Feast Day of Saint Ignatius of Loyola is July 31. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast day. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven.
Feast of St. Ignatius Celebrations and Upcoming Events

We eagerly anticipate our upcoming gathering to commemorate the Feast of St. Ignatius and celebrate the blessings of our CLC Community Read more

Revised Bawat Isa Mahalaga (B1M) Program

We are excited to invite you to a review and training session designed to enhance your skills in delivering the revised Bawat Isa Mahalaga (B1M) Program. Read more

YCLC Discernment Recollection | Discerning Hearts: Journeying with Hope and Gratitude

As a way to begin our YCLC Companionship Program, we would like to invite you to a Discernment Recollection with the theme "Discerning Hearts: Journeying with Hope and Gratitude" on June 18, Read more