Struck by a Cannon, Struck by the Spirit: The 500th Anniversary of the Cannonball Moment

May 15, 2021 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines | Here is the recording of the talk/sharing of Fr. Mon Bautista, SJ held on 12 May 2021 | 8:00 PM entitled Struck by a Cannon, Struck by the Spirit

The Christian Life Community of the Philippines joins in the celebration of the Ignatian Year 2021-2022

The Ignatian Year starts on May 20, 2021, the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius' injury at the Battle of Pamplona which marked the start of his conversion.

Below is the recording of the talk/sharing of Fr. Mon Bautista, SJ held on 12 May 2021 | 8:00 PM entitled

Struck by a Cannon, Struck by the Spirit: The 500th Anniversary of the Cannonball Moment

Triple the Blessings! NCR Communities Unite for a Heartwarming Tripling Event

Ready to experience the joy of Twinning or Tripling? We encourage you to reach out and invite one or two other communities to connect! You can initiate the activity yourself or collaborate wi Read more

World CLC Day Celebrations

We will meet this Saturday, March 22nd at 10:00 PM (Philippine time) to join in prayer. The video will be available on our YouTube channel Read more

CLCP 2025 Important Dates to Remember

We hope this message finds you well. This is a friendly reminder of some important upcoming dates: Read more

CLCP New Mobile Number

We would like to inform you of the new mobile and Viber number for CLCP. Kindly update your contacts with the following number: Mobile/Viber Number: +63 917 176 4882 (Globe) Read more