Return to Galilee Retreat

November 30, 2007 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines |
poster1 It will be held at Sacred Heart Novitiate, Novaliches. The retreat will start on November 30, Friday at 6:00pm and will end on December 2, Sunday 5:00pm. The retreat fee of P2,700 includes food, lodging, materials and the stipend for retreat guides. Transportation is not included. Whom can we contact for any questions regarding the retreat? You can reach us from Tuesdays to Saturday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm at: Christian Life Community Formation Institute (CLCFI) G/F CLC Center, Seminary Drive, Ateneo de Manila Campus Loyola Heights, Quezon City Telephone: 426 0074 • Telefax: 426 0075 • E-mail: How do we confirm participation? Please call or text us to give your confirmation. You can then pay for the retreat fee of P2,700 (inclusive of retreat kit, meals, and board & lodging) at the CLC office or you can deposit the amount in our bank account: Acct. Name: CLCP Acct. No.: 0230-00338-6 Bank: Equitable-PCI Bank, Katipunan Branch A non-refundable reservation fee of P1,000.00 is required upon submission of the Retreat Questionnaire which serves as your registration form. Reservation is valid upon payment or fax of the deposit slip and submission of the Retreat Questionnaire. What does “returning to Galilee” mean? Galilee is a very special place for Jesus. This is where he grew up in “wisdom and maturity” under the guidance of Joseph and Mary. This is also the place where he met and became friends with his disciples. Galilee was Jesus’ home, a place of much comfort and solace especially during the trying times of his life. You are invited to come home to your own consoling memories with the Lord in this retreat. What is the format of the retreat? There are two formats: group-directed and semi-directed. The group-directed retreat means that prayer points will be given as a group and some sessions will end with faith sharing. The semi-directed retreat involves small groups with common points and the possibility of individual consultation. A significant part of this retreat will be in silence and individual prayer so a pre-requisite is a previous experience of an Ignatian Retreat and the ability to stay silent for the duration of the retreat. Both types are based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Thus, a significant part of the retreat will be in silence and individual prayer. Retreatants will have the opportunity to learn about Ignatian prayer methods and enough time will be given for them to experience these. This is for busy people who would like to have a brief restful encounter with the Lord. It aims to bring people through various conversion experiences leading to a deep appreciation of God’s love for them and the consequent freedom needed to respond whole-heartedly to the love of God. Who will be giving the retreat? The retreat givers will be a collaborative team of CLC lay directors, Jesuit priests and brothers. It is important to remember that ultimately it is God who will be directing your retreat. What is the CLC? As one of the retreat facilitators puts it: “CLC is a community struggling to be good Christians in their day to day life. This struggle is done in the spirit of St. Ignatius through the Ignatian spirituality. This heroic-bordering-on-crazy pursuit is made bearable and delectable through a strong friendship with fellow searchers and risk-takers. Wild. Ironic. Not magic. Makes life fantastic.” What can we expect from the retreat? In order to have a good retreat, you need to do only three things. Sleep, eat, and pray the rest of the time. The retreatant will be given the opportunity to do all three. The grace we ask for during the entire retreat is for the retreatant to rediscover his or her relationship with Jesus. What other activities are scheduled? Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and the Holy Eucharist (mass) will be celebrated during the retreat by Jesuit priests. What if I do not know how to pray? Or it’s been a long time since I’ve prayed? It’s ok. You will be taught some practical tips on how to pray and you will encounter several prayer methods. Jesus will meet you where you are and together you will return home to Galilee. The important thing is that you have the desire to rediscover your relationship with the Lord through prayer. Is this a stay-in retreat? Yes, retreatants are expected to be present the entire duration of the retreat. How are the accommodations / food? Each person must expect twin sharing accommodations and common bathrooms. Food is scrumptious and filling. All meals and snacks will be provided from dinner on Friday to the afternoon snack on Sunday.
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