One with Christ, Living Our Common CLC Commitment: 2019 Commitment Drive

January 09, 2019 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines | 2019 Commitment Drive

The Christian Life Community is inviting all CLC members to participate in our 2019 membership, commitment and pledge drive with the theme "One with Christ, Living Our Common CLC Commitment".

This drive also aims to help us have a clearer picture of who are the members of our communities and to ask for us to share our commitment to our Way of Life in public proclamation and communal support.

Under this drive, we are asking each community to start the year by discerning how you are best called to live the CLC Way of Life in 2019, as individuals and as a local community. We then ask each community to share the fruits of this discernment to the wider Community so that we can gather and celebrate the diverse ways our community is living our common CLC commitment.


In particular, we are asking each community to do the following:

Step 1: Discernment Module

Each community is asked to complete the Discernment module (EnglishFilipino). The module has two parts.

The first asks each member to discern his/her individual commitment to the CLC Way of Life.

The second part seeks your discerned communal response to God's call to live out the CLC Way of Life this year. Each community is asked to discern its meeting schedule, program, community coordinator, apostolate and support for CLCP.


Step 2: Discernment Response

Share discernment responses by filling out the Individual Membership Form and Community Information Sheet below by February 28. These forms have already been sent to each community via email

Step 3: World CLC Day

We then invite all members to participate in our Regional celebrations of World CLC Day this March. This is a concrete venue for us to truly come together and experience our common CLC commitment and our common Way of Life.

Members will publicly make/renew their commitments to the CLC Way of Life and we shall commission our Community Coordinators in this event.

Step 4: Collection of Pledges

The CLCP Secretariat shall get in touch with each Community Coordinator to collect the community's monetary pledges made in the Community Information Sheet. Individual supporters can pledge at

For 2019, we anticipate the need for an additional P600,000, which we hope to raise from our members (particularly the 40 middle class and rich communities), to fulfill our apostolic and communal obligations.

This amount will help us support the various initiatives directed towards the four frontiers, especially to subsidize and support formation for families, the poor, and the youth.


We hope that all communities can participate in this program in the spirit of generosity and disponibility.

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