CLCP 2022 National Assembly: Communication #4

July 14, 2022 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines | We hope communities can devote the coming weeks in prayer and reflection as part of our preparation for the National Assembly. Thank you.

13 July 2022

Dear Friends in the Lord,


Here are the additional reminders and updates regarding our National Assembly 2022

National Assembly 2022 which will be held from August 26th (Friday, 8:00 AM) to August 29th (Monday, 1:00 PM). The venue will be at the Phoenix Development Center, 937 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City.

The national LC has chosen this as the best venue for the NA 2022 because of the current pandemic situation. We need a stable internet connection to allow us to conduct hybrid sessions wherein participants can attend the NA either online or face-to-face. We are also prepared to shift to full online mode in case there will be a resurgence of COVID cases.

Thank you for submitting the names of your nominees to the National Leadership Community. We are in the process of preparing the communication to the eligible nominees. They will be given until the end of July to discern whether to accept or decline the nomination.

Local communities that still wish to apply for either Observer or Full Community status, please submit your letter of intent to the CLCP Community Development (CommDev) Team at [email protected] (Please cc the Secretariat at [email protected]). The deadline for submission is July 31, 2022. Those who have already formally signified their intent to apply, kindly submit all the necessary documents on or before July 31, 2022.

The National Assembly of 2019 instructed the new nLC to study the current membership guidelines and to propose revisions in the next National Assembly. We now have the proposed guidelines for your review.

Please find below the links to the relevant documents: the original guidelines, the proposed revisions, and the proposed revised guidelines.

Original Membership Guidelines:
Proposal re Membership Guidelines:
Revised Membership Guidelines:

Please review these proposed revisions to the membership guidelines together with your respective local communities by responding to the five reflection questions in this response form Please download the form, answer the questions, and submit on or before August 10, 2022.

The National LC has consolidated the proposed amendments to the current national statutes. There are six proposed amendments.

Please review these proposed amendments with your local community by responding to the reflection questions in this Google questionnaire form ( by August 10, 2022.

We will use the same process in National Assemblies wherein we will collect the responses from communities before the Assembly to help facilitate our discernment and deliberation during the NA.


May we also remind ALL DELEGATES to please register individually at on or before July 31, 2022.

The registration fee is Php 2,000 per local community. This will help defray the expenses for the NA. Registration fee does not include the board and lodging of the delegate participating in the face-to-face sessions.

The board and lodging fee per delegate who will stay at the venue is Php 4,000 for 4 days and 3 nights.

We have also set up a solidarity fund for the NA. Your generosity is most appreciated.

You may send your payment via bank deposit or Gcash transfer on or before August 10, 2022. Details are as follows:

CLCP BDO account
Account Name: Christian Life Community of the Philippines Inc.
Account Number: 003578003030

Gcash Account
Account Name: Donnabelle D. Chua (Donnabelle C.)
Account Number: 09228063255

For proper acknowledgment and recording, please send via email a copy of your payment/money transfer confirmation (along with your Full Name and Community Name) to [email protected]

The nLC came up with the following points to help you decide whom to send as delegate to the NA venue:
a. the full-member community shall send one official delegate only to the NA venue to fully participate onsite in all sessions (The other delegate will participate via zoom);*

b. a non-full member community (emerging or observer community) can also send one of their members to the NA venue;

c. those who will be participating onsite should be fully vaccinated and boosted.**

We highly encourage the official delegate to be in the NA venue especially if:
a. there is no internet access or internet speed is below 10 mbps,

b. there is no private space that is conducive for reflection and prayer, and

c. has no personal computer or laptop or has difficulty operating the personal computer or laptop.

*Constrained by the current situation we will limit one delegate per full-member community.

**Note: In the holding of NA 2022, the CLCP will abide by the health protocols set by the Covid-19 Inter-Agency Task Force Against for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF): Allowing full 100% capacity under Alert Level 1, subject to presentation of proof of full vaccination before participating in mass gatherings or entry into indoor establishments. (You may refer to page 17, Section 6 of the Guidelines for Nationwide Alert Level System as of 04 June 2022. Please visit this link for the complete IATF Guidelines:

The National Assembly is a time of shared discernment as an apostolic body renewing the gift of mission. In preparation for the coming National Assembly, we would like to ask the communities to reflect on these three points:

A. Appreciation of the Graced History of CLCP
~We encourage the communities to look back at the grace of CLCP. (As a reference, you may want to download and view this video of our graced history through the 2016 National Assembly:

~Consider as a community: What elements of the journey resonated with us the most? Why?

~As a community, please come up with a symbol together with a short description to communicate these elements.

~We end with a prayer of joy, gratitude, and appreciation for CLCP's apostolic journey of sharing in the mission and responding to the signs of the times through the years.

B. Local Communities as an Apostolic Body, Responding to the Call for Mission
~Looking at your local reality and considering our four frontiers (Globalization and Poverty; Youth; Family; Ecology), what were the major lights and shadows your local community experienced in the past three years? In what concrete ways did your community respond? What were the outcomes?

~As a community, come up with a Before-and-After illustration that tells the inspiring story of your apostolic response together with a short description.

~Conclude with a prayer of joy, gratitude, and appreciation for your community's apostolic journey.

C. Responding to the Grace of NA 2019
~As a local community, please read and prayerfully reflect upon the Grace of NA 2019:

~Please answer these two questions
      - How has your community responded to the Grace of NA 2019 specifically to the call: (a) to become and (b) to do?
      - In what ways could we have been more responsive?

~Please write down the fruits of your reflections on these two questions and share them with us via email [email protected] on or before August 10, 2022.

~Conclude with a prayer of joy, gratitude, and appreciation for your community'

Feel free to email us at [email protected] for any question or concerns you may have.

We hope communities can devote the coming weeks in prayer and reflection as part of our preparation for the National Assembly.

Thank you.

In Christ,

Theody Demaisip


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