CLC Joins University Way of the Cross

March 03, 2020 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines | This year it was made special because the entire community was accompanied by the Nazareno carried by some ateneans and their lay partners including CLC’ers including women.

CLC Joins University way of the Cross

Last Feb 28, the entire educative community of Ateneo including their partners were gathered in order to reflect and contemplate the path trod by the Lord Jesus in his suffering, death, and resurrection. It was opened by a Eucharistic celebration led by Msgr. Hernando Coronel, parish priest of St John the Baptist parish and rector of the Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene. The Nuestro Padre Hesus Nazareno has been in Ateneo a week before the University Way of the Cross. CLC Philippines was represented by Mr. Jody Sim, Joy Asajar, Jeff Panguito, Ybonne Chua, Lea Ongsamson, Anjanette Petros and Mark Leosala.

This year, it was made special because the entire community was accompanied by the Nazareno carried by some ateneans and their lay partners including CLC'ers including women. The University Way of the Cross was capped by a veneration or 'pahalik' of the Nazareno at the Church of the Gesu.

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