2025 Key Dates and Requests

January 03, 2025 | Story by: Christian Life Community in the Philippines | We, the CLCP Leadership Community, write to greet all members a Blessed New Year. As we enter 2025, may God guide us as we continue to create paths for hope.
Dear CLC Communities,

We, the CLCP Leadership Community, write to greet all members a Blessed New Year. As we enter 2025, may God guide us as we continue to create paths for hope.

To kick-start the year, we write to inform you about some key events and requests from the communities.

  1. World CLC Day will be celebrated on the weekend of March 22-23, 2025. For this year, we will be reflecting on the last two Apostolic Frontiers (Spiritual Ministries and Building an Inclusive Church). During our World CLC Day celebrations, we shall witness the temporary and permanent commitments of our members and we shall be commissioning our Community Coordinators for the year

  2. National Assembly (August 22-25, 2025): This year, we will hold our National Assembly from August 22-25, 2025 at the Maryhill Retreat House in Taytay, Rizal

In preparation for these two events, we request the following 

Start of Year Survey: We request that each community meet and fill-out the following form by February 28, 2025. In light of the pre-work for the National Assembly, we have significantly simplified the questionnaire. In particular, we would like each community to seriously discern your Community Coordinator who we shall commission on World CLC Day.

Start of year Survey Form:


Discernment for Temporary and Permanent Commitment: In preparation for World CLC Day, those who are called to discern a CLCP commitment are invited to participate in one of two online discernment recollections:

For Permanent Commitment - January 25, 2025, 2-5pm

For Temporary Commitment - February 15, 2025, 2-5pm

Please click the link below to register:


Thank you very much!


Welcome to the Church's Jubilee Year of Hope (December 24, 2024 - January 6, 2026). It is a year of grace for our World CLC community as we seek to create paths for hope, one with the Church in responding to Pope Francis' invitation to become Pilgrims of Hope.
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