2025 nLC Nominations Form: bit.ly/NLCnominations2025
Deadline to submit nominations: 15 March 2025. (Note: Statutes require at least 4 months.)
Nominations for the Core of Responsibles (CORE): The nLC would like to request nominees from our communities for the CORE. From section F of the Statutes, “The CORE shall serve as a consultative body whose principal functions shall be to provide historical perspective, counsel, and guidance to the Leadership Community and the general membership of the CLCP; help in the preservation of the life-giving traditions of the CLCP and the maintenance of fidelity to the vision, mission and charism of the CLC; and in general, serve as an invaluable resource for the CLCP in its formation, membership, funding, apostolate and other activities.”
The criteria to become a member of the Core is as follows:
a permanent commitment in writing to the CLC Way of Life;
at least ten (10) years of active membership in the CLCP;
consistent service to the CLCP; and,
experience in or exposure to international CLC activities (i.e. awareness membership in the global community)
Please submit nominees for the CORE to the nLC through the Secretariat before 15 March 2025;
Delegates/Representatives - You may start discussing and praying with your community as to who is to be selected as the delegate/s and/or the representative/s to the NA. It is important to remember that delegate/s should go through the discernment process together with their respective communities and take part in all the preparatory modules and activities leading up to the assembly.
Full member communities should discern whom to send as their delegate from among the members with a permanent commitment.
Who are expected to attend the NA?
FULL MEMBER communities, represented by two (2) delegates for the entire Assembly;
OBSERVER communities applying for FULL MEMBER status, represented by two (2) delegates for the entire Assembly;
EMERGING communities applying for OBSERVER community status by at least one (1) delegate for the entire Assembly
National LC Members and National EA (Ecclesiastical Assistant);
Strongly encouraged to attend the NA are:
Also encouraged to attend the NA are:
Additional information about the National Assembly and preparatory work, including community reflection modules for disposition-setting, will be sent in subsequent communications.
Thank you very much. May the Holy Spirit guide our preparations for our NA, and may God bless our CLCP community and all our members.
In behalf of the National Leadership Community
Rose Linda O. Bautista
National President