CLC-Mary the Queen

The Christian Life Community (CLC) focuses on Christ-centered spirituality, which is Ignatian and inspired by Mary, our Blessed Mother. Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola is the specific source and the characteristic instrument of the CLC spirituality. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of daily personal prayer, daily examination of consciousness, personal and communal discernment, and spiritual guidance as important means of seeking and finding God in all things.

The CLC way of life is essentially apostolic and lived through each chosen communities. The vocation calls for all to be open and disposed to God's will as expressed in each concrete situation of the daily life. The CLC mission is to the church and to the world. All members seek to open the hearts of individuals conversion and aim to change the oppressive structures of our society, to work for justice through a preferential option for the poor. All members exercise simplicity in all aspects of our life, order to follow Christ in His poverty and to preserve inner apostolic freedom.

The first CLC group in Mary the Queen Parish was organized in March 1990 by Fr. Ben Sim, S.J., the parish priest. Since then, the number of communities and members has grown to the present six (6) adult communities, with five to ten members per community. Each community meets once a week for prayer/formation sessions and/or community bonding activities. Members of a community usually begin their spiritual and communal journey in the CLC at the same time.

The CLC members serve the parish through the different parish ministries. They serve as lay ministers of the Holy Eucharist, lectors, commentators, collectors during the Mass. They also offer their services as volunteers in the Free Clinic and as speakers and facilitators in formation programs such as the Pre-Cana seminary and retreats. Serve in the MTQ free clinic, as members of the parish executive council, and other parish activities

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